Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bible Quiz

My posting of this is not meant to disparage the Bible in any way, but rather to point out the care we must take while reading it to understand through what is written to what is intended.  I did not write this quiz, but received it in e-mail from my father, and did not find it in a web search just now.

Bible Quiz 
Test your knowledge of the Bible 
(Warning: ALL are trick questions!) 

1. Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed (A. once, B. twice, C. thrice).
2. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple near the (A. beginning, B. middle, C. end) of his ministry.
3.  When the women go to Jesus’ tomb to anoint the body for burial they find there  (A. one man, B. two men, C one angel).
4. How many miracles had Jesus already performed before he healed the son of a centurion? (A. none B. one, C. many)
5. At the Last Supper, how many times did the disciples inquire of Jesus where he was going?
(A. never, B. once C. twice)
6. How many pairs of each animal species did Noah take onto the ark?  (A. 1, B. 2, C. 3, D. 7)
7.  Did God introduce himself to Abraham as “the Lord”? (A. yes, B. no, C. maybe)
8. Which of the ten plagues sent by God to persuade Pharaoh to let Moses’ people go destroyed all of the Egyptians’ livestock? (A. the first, B. the fifth, C the seventh).
9. Jesus was crucified (A. before, B. during, C. after) celebrating Passover.
10. Jesus was crucified on a Friday (A. morning, B. afternoon, C. evening).
11. Joseph and Mary resided in (A. Nazareth, B. Bethlehem, C. Jerusalem).
12. At the baptism of Jesus, the voice from heaven spoke to (A. John the Baptist, B. Jesus, C. the crowd assembled).
13. On the day following his baptism, Jesus encountered (A. the devil, B. John the Baptist, C. his disciples).
14. When Gyrus asked Jesus to heal his daughter, she was (A. sick, B. dead).
15. The opponents of Jesus were (A. anyone who was not for him, B. only those who were against him).
16. Jesus’ ministry lasted (A. less than one year, B. three years, C. five years).
17. (A. The Romans, B. The Jews) were primarily responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.
18. Judas betrayed Jesus because  (A. of greed for money, B. the devil made him do it, C. he was himself a devil).
19. After Judas betrayed Jesus he (A. fell and burst open, B. hanged himself, C. took a cruise).
20. (A. The priests, B. Judas, C. Jesus, D. Peter) purchased the “Field of Blood” cemetery where foreigners might be buried.
21. The field was called “the field of blood” because (A. it was purchased with “blood money”, i.e., the money paid for giving up Jesus, B. Judas’ bled on the field when he burst open, C. duels were fought there).
22. Who accompanied Mary Magdalene as she visited Jesus’ tomb three days following his crucifixion? (A. no one, B. another Mary, C. Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, C. Joanna and other women from Galilee).
23. The stone was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb  (A. before, B. after) the women arrived.
24. At Jesus’ tomb the women saw  (A. an angel, B. one man, C. two men, D. nothing nor anyone).
25. The women were instructed to (A. go to Galilee, B. remember something Jesus had said in Galilee, C. replace the stone before departing).
26. The women told (A. the disciples, B. no one, C. their husbands) what they had heard at the tomb of Jesus.
27. Following Jesus’ resurrection the disciples  (A. went to Galilee, B. remained in Jerusalem, C. went to Bethany).
28. The Ascension of Jesus to heaven occurred in (A. Galilee, B. Jerusalem, C. Bethany).
29. The curtain concealing the holy of holies was rent  (A. before, B. after) Jesus died.
30. In order to be saved Christians (A. must, B. need not ) observe the old Jewish Law.
31. Jesus died (A. to atone for the sins of others, B. to cause people to repent of their  sins and turn to God asking for forgiveness).
32. Jesus became begotten of God when he was (A. crucified, B. resurrected, C. baptized, D. conceived).
33. God (A. forgives pagans for worshiping idols because they do so in ignorance, B. condemns pagans for worshiping idols because they know well and yet reject the truth of Christ).
34.  Christian should (A. respect and obey, B. condemn and oppose) the state and civil authority.


1.  Matthew 26:34 says A; Mark 14:30 says B.
2. Mark, Chapter 11, says C , John, Chapter 2, says A.
3. Mark 16;5,  says A, Luke 24:4 says B, Matthew 28:2 says C.
4. John says both B and C.
 John 2:11 says his first miracle was the turning of water into wine in Jerusalem.
,John 4:54 says healing the son of a centurion later in Galilee was his second miracle.
John 2:23 says Jesus performed many miracles in Jerusalem.
5. Jesus says A (John 16:5); Peter and Thomas say C (John 13:36 and 14:5).
6. B (Genesis 7:9-10) and D (Genesis 7:2).
7. A (Genesis 15:7) and B (Exodus 6:3).
8. B (Exodus 9:5) and C (Exodus 9:21-22).
9. A and C;
John, Chapter 19, says that Jesus was crucified during the time of preparation for
the Passover meal.
Mark, Chapter 14, says that Jesus was crucified after celebrating Passover.
10. A and B;
Mark, Chapter 14, says that Jesus was crucified on a Friday morning.
John, Chapter 19, says that Jesus was crucified on a Friday afternoon.
11. A and B;
Luke, Chapter 2, says they were from Nazareth; Matthew, Chapter 2, implies they
were from Bethlehem. (e.g., in verse 11, Matthew says the wise men came to
worship the Christ child in his house in Bethlehem . No Inn; no manger.)
12. A and/or C and B
Matthew 3:17 “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.”
Mark 1:11 “You are my son in whom I am well pleased.”
Luke 3:22 “You are my son. Today I have begotten you.”
13. A and B
Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:13 & Luke 4:2 say A; John says  B.
14. A and B;
Mark 5:21-43 says she was sick; Matthew 9:18-26 says she was already dead.
15. A and B;
Matthew 12:30  “Whoever is not with me is against me.”
Mark 9:40 “Whoever is not against us is for us.”
16. A and B;
Mark suggests a few months with Jesus celebrating a single Passover feast.
John suggests three years with Jesus celebrating three Passover feasts.
17. A and B;
Mark implicates the Romans; John implicates the Jews.
18. A and B and C;
Mark (14:10-11) and Matthew (26:14) say he did it for money,  Luke (22:3) says
the devil made him do it. John (6:70-71) says Judas was himself a devil. 19. A and B;
 Luke (writing in Acts, 1:18-19) says he fell headlong and burst open in the
Matthew 27:3-10 says that Judas hanged himself after returning the money to the
chief priests.
20. A and B;
Matthew says that the chief priests used the “blood money” returned by Judas to
purchase the field.
Luke (in Acts 1:18-19 says that Judas himself purchased the field (cemetery)
using the 30 pieces of silver.
21. Matthew says A; Luke, (writing in Acts), say B.
22. All of the above.
John 20:1 mentions only Mary Magdalene.
Matthew 28:1 says Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary (mother of
Mark 16:1 lists Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salomé.
Luke 24:1 (See also 23:55) lists Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James,
Joanna, and possibly other women from Galilee as well.
23. A and B;
Mark 16:4 says that the stone had already been rolled away when the women
Matthew 28:2 says that the stone was rolled away by an angel while the women
were present.
24. Each of the above;
Matthew 28:5 says they saw an angel.
Mark 16:5 says they saw a young man.
Luke 22:4 says they saw two men.
John mentions neither an angel nor any men.
25. A and B;
Mark 16:7 says they were instructed to go to Galilee where they would be met by
Luke 24:7 says they were enjoined to remember that Jesus had told them in
Galilee that he must die and rise again.
26. A and B;
Matthew 28:8 says they told the disciples.
Mark 16:8 says they told no one.
27. A and B;
 Matthew says the women told the disciples to go to Galilee where they would
meet Jesus, and that they went immediately.
Luke says the disciples were never told to go to Galilee and that they never left
28. A and B;
Matthew says Galilee.
Luke (writing in Acts) says Jerusalem. 29. Both A and B;
Mark 15:38 says after.
Luke 23:45-46 says before.
(Perhaps it was rent twice, once before and again after the death of Jesus.)
30. A and B;
Matthew says they must.
Paul (in Galatians) says that salvation comes only by believing in Christ, and that observing Jewish law is neither necessary nor sufficient for salvation.
31. A and B;
Mark 10:45 says A. Jesus’ death pays off the debt owed to God by sinners.
Luke (writing in Acts 2:36-38, 3:17-19) says B. Jesus’ death leads to God’s forgiving the debt owed by sinners rather than paying it off.
32. B, C, and D;
Luke (writing in Acts 13:32-33 and quoting Paul) says it occured at the time of his resurrection.
Luke 3:22 says it occurred when Jesus was baptized.
Luke 1:35 says it occurred at the time of his conception by Mary.
33. A and B;
Luke (writing in Acts, Chapter 17 and quoting Paul) says A.
Paul, writing in Romans Chapter 1 says B.
34. A and B;
Paul (writing in Romans,13:1-4) says that state authority comes from God and is to be obeyed.
Revelation Chapter 17 say the earthly governing powers are supremely wicked.

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