Resist in March
The timing of these efforts could not be better, with Congress considering another $105 billion for the occupation of Iraq, with Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz putting the true costs of the occupation over $3 trillion, and with awareness growing that Congress can simply stop voting on additional funds. Here's what we want our Representatives to do: _______ MARCH 10-12 in Washington DC: Stop-Loss Congress
On Monday March 10, and Tuesday March 11, we will deliver "official" stop-loss notices to all members of Congress to notify them that all of their LEAVES, VACATIONS and HOME VISITS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED until every soldier and mercenary is home from Iraq. On Wednesday March 12, we will take nonviolent action on Capitol Hill. http://www.stop-losscongress _______ MARCH 13-16, 2008 (Thursday-Sunday): Winter Soldier Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War will testify in Silver Spring, Maryland to crimes witnessed and committed in Iraq. Audio and video of panels will be available live online, on satelite TV, and on Pacifica radio. Local events supporting Winter Soldier, and other events for peace, justice, and impeachment: _______ MARCH 16 to 18, 2008 (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) in Washington, D.C.: Training, Lobbying, Restoring the Constitution March 17th and 18th All day trainings & workshop at the Warehouse Theatre in preparation for March 19th March 18th, Tuesday: CODEPINK Action Day to Take Back the Constitution: Events are also planned around the country on March 17-18, including events in support of impeachment and demanding an end to funding the occupation. See: Impeachment advocates are using this opportunity to advance a new strategy modeled on what achieved the resignation of Richard Nixon: A reborn Students for a Democratic Society has planned campus events on March 17 to 21. _______ MARCH 19, 2008 (Wednesday) Nonviolent Civil Resistance in All 435 Congressional Districts and in the Nation's Capital on the Fifth Anniversary of the Occupation of Iraq Locations in each congressional district, to be determined locally, will include congressional offices (Congress Members and Senators will be in their districts on this day), federal buildings, military recruiters, weapons makers, war profiteers, or corporate media outlets. In Washington, with Congress out of town, the focus will be on war profiteers in the military industrial disaster-capitalism complex. Events will include roles for people not wanting to risk arrest. LOCAL EVENTS: Post Yours! Update it. FIND LOCAL EVENTS AT AND IN A SEPARATE LIST AT WASHINGTON DC EVENTS: Join us! Resources for nonviolent activism: HERE. DETAILS ON DC EVENTS: World Can't Wait Events in DC on 19th Join in acts of creative non-violent civil resistance: _______ Sick of It Day Something else that anyone anywhere can do on the 19th: _______ Student Involvement and Leadership March 20 SDS Campus Protests Students for a Democratic Society Campus Events March 22 Teach In at American University in Washington DC _______ March 20-23 Split This Rock Poetry Festival Stick around to TALK about what you've been doing, with Split This Rock in Washington, D.C. |
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Resist in March
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